Adoption Funding

Adoption is expensive. There are legal fees, agency fees, travel fees, and a bunch of other things! If you would like to see how our adoption works out financially, visit Nightlight’s Domestic Adoption Program Description (funding chart is on the last page). In summary, our domestic infant adoption will cost between $33,350 - $48,403 through our program. We are estimating our adoption costs to be toward the higher side of this because Vermont is not a state that supports or encourages adoptions. We truly feel God calling us to adopt, so we’re not worried about the money. We know God will make it work out. We plan on applying to every grant out there, doing fundraisers, and working in a variety of ways to help raise support.

With that said, if you would like to donate to our adoption, there is some information below. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

  • If you would like to donate to us with a credit or debit card, please use Adoption Bridge. Adoption Bridge will go straight to our expenses with Nightlight Christian Adoptions, and can raise one-third of our expenses. You will receive a charitable contribution deduction from Adoption Bridge.

  • Another way to donate is to the Washington Baptist Church Orphan Fund. If you would like to donate to this fund, please write a check to Washington Baptist Church with “Orphan Fund” on the memo. You will receive a charitable contribution deduction from Washington Baptist Church. Please do NOT put our names on the check.

    WBC mailing address: P.O. Box 203, Washington, VT 05675

  • Currently we are not offering fundraisers at this time.